Minting Competition
After 3333 mined NFTs 3.333 ETH will be given away among 33 holders.
After 6666 mined NFTs 6.666 ETH will be given away among 66 holders.
After 9999 mined NFTs, 9,999 ETH will be given away among 99 holders.
The Big Competition​
As soon as all 9999 uniques have been mined, the big raffle will start. The grand prize is a watch worth up to 80'000 CHF, which the winner can choose himself during a trip to Switzerland. The winner will be drawn at random from all the holders and announced publicly. If the winner does not respond within one week, a new winner will be drawn. The chances of winning can be increased by purchasing multiple NFTs.

The winner will receive two nights at the Dolder Grand Zurich Hotel. Including SPA access and exclusive view of Zurich.

The return flight is included and will be booked by us, as well as the transport from the airport to the hotel.

Upon arrival in Switzerland, you will be transferred by chauffeur to your hotel, where you can relax. The next day you will be picked up by Team Crypto-Clock. Together with us you will choose your main prize in Zurich, which we will then purchase for you. After that we will bring you back to the hotel, where you can spend the rest of your vacation. At the end of your stay you will be driven back to the airport by a chauffeur.