Phase 1 / Marketing​
We launch a large advertising campaign via social media, investing a five-figure amount in advertising and development. To establish the project in the Crypto and NFT community and find potential partners.

Phase 2 / Minting
After 3333 minted NFTs we start our first
Giveaway of 3,333 ETH. These will be divided among 33 among 33 holders.
After 6666 mined NFTs our next giveaway of 6.666 ETH starts. Giveaway of 6.666 ETH. These will be divided among 66 among 66 holders.
After 9999 mined NFTs our next giveaway of 9.999 ETH starts. Giveaway of 9.999 ETH. These will be divided among 99 among 99 holders.

Phase 3 / Giveaway​
When the minting is finished, we have already raffled 20 ETH (about 60'000 CHF) and sent them to the winners.
In addition, we will give away a grand prize worth 100'000 CHF to one of the holders. This includes a weekend in Switzerland, where a watch worth 80'000 CHF will be handed over.
This will all be documented on our Instagram page.
DETAILS will follow at the end of Phase 2

Phase 4 / Drops​
New drops with unique collections,
which are connected with raffles,
including one-of-a-kind items from
selected manufactures, made especially
for the Crypto-Clock-Collection. These will
be raffled among the community.